Joan Miro Constellations: A Suite of Twenty-Two Pochoirs
Pochoir - 1959 Le Lever du soleiL
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 L'echelle de l'evasion
(The Escape Ladder)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Personages dans la nuit guides par les traces phosphorescentes des escargots
(People at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Trails of Snails)
Edition of 350
17" x 14" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femmes sur la plage
(Women on the Beach)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femme a la blonde aisselle coiffant sa chevelure a la lueur des etoiles
(Woman with Blond Armpit Combing her Hair by the Light of the Stars)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 L'toile mantinale
(Morning Star)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Personnage blesse
(Wounded personage)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femme et oiseaux
(Woman and Bird)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femme dans la nuit
(Woman in the Night)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Danseuses acrobates
(Acrobatic Dancers)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
25" x 28" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959 Le chant du rossignol a minuit et la pluie matinale
(The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959 Le 13 l'echellea frole le firmament
(On the 13th the Ladder Brushed the Fermament)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959 La Poetesse
(The Poetess)
Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959 Le reveil au petit jour
(Awakening in the Early Morning)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959 Vers L'arc-en-ciel
(Toward the Rainbow)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femmes encerclees par le vol d'un oiseau
(Woman Encircled by the Flight of a Bird)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Femmes au bord du lacala surface Irisee parles passage d'un cygne
(Woman at the Border of a Lake Irradiated by the Passage of a Swan)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 L'oiseau migrateur
(The Migratory Bird)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Chiffres et constellations amoureux d'une femme
(Ciphers and Constellations in Love with a Woman)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Le bel oiseau dechiffrant l'inconnu au couple d'amoureux
(The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Le crepuscule tose caresse les femmes et les oiseaux
(The Rose Dusk Caresses the Woman and the Birds)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959 Le passage du
l'oiseau dirin
(The Passage of the
Divine Bird)
Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed $6,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Lithograph - 1959
Signed and numbered
14" x 17"
Edition: 323/350 $4,500Georgetown Frame Shoppe
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