Zaidan Gallery

Since 1974

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Aiken, Tacoumba

Begay, Wilford

Belleuse, Albert Carrier

Bonheur, Rosa

Bonnard, Pierre

Brown, Benjamin

Burr, George E

Chagall, Marc

Chiparus, Demetre

Cosgrove, Stanley

Dali, Salvador

Daumier, Honore

Davidson, Allen Pinx

Dodge, Frances F.

Dubois, Paul

Eaton, John

Erté - Romain de Tirtoff


Favreau, Marcel

Feininger, Lyonel

Fortin, Marc-Aurčle

Foster, Arthur Bell

Fratin, Christopher

Gagnon, Clarence

Gaugrngigl, Ignaz M

Gelena, Giovanni

Gilbert, Allen

Giunta, Joseph

Giles, Jeremie

Gingras, Gilles Emmanuel

Good, John Willis

Granlund, Paul Theodore

Gransow, Helmut

Hankey, W. Lee


Hart, Fredrick

Haupers, Clement B.

He, An

Icart, Louis

Johnson, Catherine

Kamihira, Ben

Kirkby, Ken

Labelle Fernand


Lucioni, Luigi

MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw

Matisse, Henri

Max, Peter

Męne, Jules

Miró, Joan

Moreau, Auguste

Muhlstock, Louis

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz

Pissarro, Hugues Claude

Pissarro, Lélia

Poirier, Marcel

Poor, Henry Varnum

Pope, Perpetua

Regis, Vezina

Rembrandt, H, van Rijn

Remington, Frederic

Renoir, Pierre Auguste

Rollin, Josephine Lutz

Russell, Charles Marion

Sawada, Tetsuro

Seguin, Marc

Spalding, Elizabeth

Tewa, Faron

Thompson, Elizabeth

Tobiasse, Theo

Ward,  William Jr.

Spalding, Elizabeth

Tewa, Faron

Thompson, Elizabeth

Tobiasse, Theo

Ward,  William Jr.

Weber Christian

Windisch Etienne J

Price Study: Joan Miró Page 3

(Click on images to enlarge)

Joan Miro Constellations: A Suite of Twenty-Two Pochoirs
Pochoir - 1959
Le Lever du soleiL

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
L'echelle de l'evasion
(The Escape Ladder)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Personages dans la nuit guides par les traces phosphorescentes des escargots
(People at Night Guided by the Phosphorescent Trails of Snails)

Edition of 350
17" x 14" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Femmes sur la plage
(Women on the Beach)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
27" x 24" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Pochoir - 1959
Femme a la blonde aisselle coiffant sa chevelure a la lueur des etoiles
(Woman with Blond Armpit Combing her Hair by the Light of the Stars)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Pochoir - 1959
L'toile mantinale
(Morning Star)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Personnage blesse
(Wounded personage)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Femme et oiseaux
(Woman and Bird)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Femme dans la nuit
(Woman in the Night)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Danseuses acrobates
(Acrobatic Dancers)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
25" x 28" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
  Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959
Le chant du rossignol a minuit et la pluie matinale
(The Nightingale's Song at Midnight and the Morning Rain)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
$6,500 Georgetown Frame Shoppe
  Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959
Le 13 l'echellea frole le firmament
(On the 13th the Ladder Brushed the Fermament)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
$6,500 Georgetown Frame Shoppe
  Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959
La Poetesse
(The Poetess)

Edition of 350
17" x 14"unframed
$6,500 Georgetown Frame Shoppe
  Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959
Le reveil au petit jour
(Awakening in the Early Morning)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed
$6,500 Georgetown Frame Shoppe
  Joan Miro
Pochoir - 1959
Vers L'arc-en-ciel
(Toward the Rainbow)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
$6,500 Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Pochoir - 1959
Femmes encerclees par le vol d'un oiseau
(Woman Encircled by the Flight of a Bird)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Pochoir - 1959
Femmes au bord du lacala surface Irisee parles passage d'un cygne
(Woman at the Border of a Lake Irradiated by the Passage of a Swan)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
L'oiseau migrateur
(The Migratory Bird)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Chiffres et constellations amoureux d'une femme
(Ciphers and Constellations in Love with a Woman)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Le bel oiseau dechiffrant l'inconnu au couple d'amoureux
(The Beautiful Bird Revealing the Unknown to a Pair of Lovers)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
23" x 26" framed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Le crepuscule tose caresse les femmes et les oiseaux
(The Rose Dusk Caresses the Woman and the Birds)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Pochoir - 1959
Le passage du
l'oiseau dirin
(The Passage of the
Divine Bird)

Edition of 350
14" x 17" unframed
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Lithograph - 1959
Signed and numbered
14" x 17"
Edition: 323/350
Georgetown Frame Shoppe
Frontispiece - 1959
14" x 17"
Edition: 350
Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Constellations - 1959
Justification Page
14" x 17"
Hand Signed by Joan Miro & Andre Breton
Edition: 350
Georgetown Frame Shoppe

Lot Number: 255

GARGANTUA 1977 159.5×120.0cm

Etching, aquatint

Edition: 13/50 Signed

Estimate: 2,000,000 - 3,000,000 JPY

Est-Ouest Auctions

Mar 31, 2011

Lot Number: 190


Size: 18 3/4 x13 1/4"

Lithograph Signed

Estimate: 400 - 600 USD

Trinity Fine Arts

Apr 9, 2011

Estimates up to € 3000

Size: 50.3 x 65.4 cm
Colour lithograph
Edition: Hors commerce, Signed
Glerum Auctioneers
May 30, 2011
29" × 21˝"
June 15, 2011
Estimate: 3000 - 4000

Empire Auctions
June 15, 2011

Lithograph 2
12˝" × 9˝"
Edition: HC
June 15, 2011
Estimate: 500 - 700

Empire Auctions

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Gallery by Appointment

Zaidan Gallery, 7881 Decarie Blvd. Suite 405, Montreal, Quebec, H4P2H2 Canada

Phone: 1(514)944-7027, Fax:1(514)344-6129, email:

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Payment Details: Money order/Cashier checks Personal check Wire Transfer

Shipping/Handling: To Be Determined