Zaidan Gallery

Since 1974

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Our Artists
Anzabi, Aziz NEW b.1970 Johnson, Catherine
Aiken, Tacoumba b.1945 Kamihira, Ben 1925-2004
Begay, Wilford Kirkby, Ken b.1940
Belleuse, Albert Carrier 1859-1945 Labelle Fernand   SOLD b.1934
Bonheur, Rosa 1822-1899 Toulouse-Lautrec (1864-1901)
Bonnard, Pierre 1867-1947 Lindahl, Joseph 1885-1961
Brown, Benjamin 1865-1942 Lucioni, Luigi 1900-1988
Burr, George E 1859-1939 MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw 1876-1938
Chagall, Marc 1887-1985 Matisse, Henri 1869-1954
Chiparus, Demetre 1886-1947 Max, Peter b.1936
Cosgrove, Stanley Sold b.1911 Mêne, Jules 1810-1879
Dali, Salvador 1904-1988 Miró, Joan 1893-1983
Daumier, Honoré 1808-1879 Moreau, Auguste
Davidson, Allen Pinx 1873-1932 Muhlstock, Louis 1904–2001
Dodge, Frances F. SOLD 1878-1969 Nutting, Wallace 1861-1941
Dubois, Paul 1829-1905 Palmero, Alfredo 1901-1991
Eaton, John b.1942 Picasso, Pablo Ruiz 1881-1973
Ekman Harry 1923-1999 Pissarro, Hugues Claude SOLD b.1935
Erté - Romain de Tirtoff 1892-1990 Pissarro, Lélia SOLD b.1962-
Etienne, 1900-1996 Poirier, Marcel    SOLD b.1946
Favreau, Marcel  SOLD b.1927 Poor, Henry Varnum 1887-1970
Feininger, Lyonel 1871-1956 Pope, Perpetua b.1916
Fiore, Peter b. 1955 Regis, Vezina   SOLD  
Fortin, Marc-Aurèle 1888 - 1970 Rembrandt, H, van Rijn 1606-1669
Foster, Arthur Bell b.1900 Remington, Frederic 1861-1909
Fratin, Christopher 1801-1864 Renoir, Pierre Auguste 1841-1919
Gagnon, Clarence 1881-1942 Rollin, Josephine Lutz 1896-1989
GAUCHEREL. Leon 1816-1886 Russell, Charles Marion 1864-1926
Gaugrngigl, Ignaz M 1855-1932 Sawada, Tetsuro 1935-1998
Gelena, Giovanni 19/20th C Seguin, Marcel   SOLD  
Gilbert, Allen 1873-1929 Spalding, Elizabeth 1868?-1954
Giunta, Joseph 1911-2001 Tewa, Faron
Giles, Jeremie   SOLD  

Thompson, Elizabeth

Gingras, Gilles Emmanuel 1932-2002 Tobiasse, Theo 1927-
Good, John Willis 1845-1879 Regis Vezina  SOLD  
Granlund, Paul Theodore SOLD 1925 - 2003 Ward,  William Jr. 1875-1935
Gransow, Helmut b.1921 Weber Christian SOLD  
Hankey, W. Lee Windisch Etienne J   SOLD b.1936
HANNAFORD, Charles E 1863-1955 Yunia K b. 1970
Hardy, Thomas Bush 1842-1889
Hart, Fredrick
Haupers, Clement B.


He, An b.1957
Icart, Louis 1888-1950

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