Welcome to our weekly art collector Blog/Newsletter; For the Week of February 24th, 2011
At Art Collector Blog we list information about the visual artists, listed below, whose works we own/sell. The artists' news, reviews, auctions & auction results, latest market prices, exhibitions and related stories. We search the web daily.
- This issue covers pictures and details of our artists' works in upcoming auctions.
- We have also begun to catalogue (Index) the various works of each artist to enable you find the art you are looking for by the name of the work. The first Catalog (Indexes) completed are that of Marc Chagall at "Chagall Price Index" and Pierre Bonnard at "Bonnard Price Index", and Peter Max at "Peter Max's Price Index", Ernest CARRIER-BELLEUSE at Ernest CARRIER-BELLEUSE Index, Erté at Erté's Price Index
This week at Auctions:
Sold at Christie's South Kensington, February 11, 2011 Henri Matisse - Nu and Portrait de femme,
Hughes Claude Pissarro - Le panorama de Killult en hiver and 2 other lots, Joan Miró - Personnage,
Lelia Pissarro - Cloè le matin, au châlet de Cantepie , Pierre Bonnard - Panier des fruits and 3 other lots, Salvador Dalí -
Dédicace avec cheval , Theo Tobiasse - Le Mont Moriat Jerusalème qui marche... , View Lots
Sold at Freeman's, February 14, 2011 Auguste Renoir
Henri Matisse - TRAVAIL ET JOIE,
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec - JANE AVRIL,
Louis Icart - DON JUAN and 5 other lots,
Marc Chagall - PARIS: L'OPERA,
Salvador Dalí - DEEBRIS D'UNE DONNANT NAISSANCE A UN..., View All Lots
Sold at Grogan & Company, February 13, 2011 Auguste Renoir
To be sold at Bruun Rasmussen Bredgade 1110, Online auction, March 8, 2011 , Joan
Miró - Composition, planche 3 from the "Album... Pablo Picasso - "Artiste et modèle" from the series..., Figure and 5 other lots View Lots
To be sold at Bonhams Chester, February 22, 2011 Thomas Bush Hardy - Broadstairs
To be sold at Pook & Pook, February 24, 2011 Ernest Albert - Winter Brook
To be sold at Philips Auctions, February 27, 2011 Joan Miró -
Hammer Without A Master
To be sold at Leonard Joel, Melbourne, February 27, 2011 Pablo Picasso - La Corrida (The Bullfight), Salvador Dalí -
Chalice of Love and 4 other lots, Thomas Bush Hardy - Boulogne, William Lee-Hankey - Boats at Dock, View Lots
To be sold at Christie's Paris, March 1, 2011 Pablo Picasso - Les Bleus de Barcelona... and Autographe dans J. Cassou 'Picasso',... View Details
To be sold at Swann Auction Galleries, March 3, 2011 Auguste Renoir - Baigneuse, debout, en pied and 8 other lots, Henri Matisse - Grande Vierge and 5 other lots
Henri Toulouse-Lautrec - 3 works: La Misère a Londres and 9 other lots,
Honoré Daumier - Celui-là, on peut le mettre en liberté!,
Joan Miró - Le Chasseur de Pieuvres and 17 other lots,
Louis Icart - Speed and 2 other lots,
Marc Chagall - L'Écuyère and 20 other lots,
Pablo Picasso - La Dame à la Collerette (Portrait de... and 32 other lots,
Pierre Bonnard - La toilette assise and 2 other lots,
Salvador Dalí - Les Chants de Maldoror: Limbs in a Tree and 3 other lots, View all lots,
Our Artists' News:
Henri Matisse - discussed in Al Pacino to play Matisse in film / Independent
Joan Miró, Salvador Dalí - discussed in Francis Bacon Led Sotheby's Sale of a Mystery Collector's Art to a White-Glove $150 Million / ARTINFO
Lyonel Feininger, Pablo Picasso - discussed in Picasso's Radiant Muse Inspired Some — But Not All — Bidders
at Sotheby's $111 Million London Sale / ARTINFO
Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard, Salvador Dalí
- discussed in Dalí's Surreal Day at the Beach Caught a Record at Christie's Tidy $136 Million London Sale / ARTINFO
Pablo Picasso - discussed in Sale of the week: India’s
Picasso / Financial Times, Picasso lifts Sotheby's sale to 68.8 million pounds
/ Reuters, Art Institute is selling out its legacy / Chicago Sun-Times, Contemporary Art Invades The Municipality Of Monaco / artnowMAG
Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard- discussed in The Art Market: Russians bid big in London / Financial Times
Salvador Dalí- discussed in Bacon Bounces Back at Sotheby's Sale / The Wall Street
Journal, Bacon, Dali works boost bumper Sotheby's sale / Reuters, Bacon and Dali excel at Sotheby's auction / Flash Art (International Edition), Francis Bacon Rebounds with $37M Freud Portrait
Lindsay Pollock: Art Market Views
Henri Matisse Pablo Picasso,
Salvador Dalí- discussed in News & Market Round-Up of the Week that Was / MutualArt
Honoré Daumier, Pablo Picasso,
Rembrandt - discussed in This Week's Major Exhibition Openings / MutualArt
Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso - artworks showcased in Wintertuin at Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands , March 18, 2011
Pierre Bonnard - discussed in Top lot fails to sell at Christie's auction / Reuters, Bonnard Tops Christie’s London Sales, Gauguin Flops / Lindsay Pollock: Art Market Views
Rembrandt - artworks showcased in Treasures from Moscow: Dutch Drawings from the Pushkin Museum
at Bonnefantenmuseum Maastricht, Maastricht, Netherlands , March 17, 2011.
Pablo Picasso, Rembrandt - mentioned in article titled Picasso Work, Berezovsky Papers Found in Moscow Gambling Raid / Bloomberg
Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard, Salvador Dalí - discussed in Christie's to hold auction of impressionist and modern art in London / XINHUA
Lyonel Feininger, Pablo Picasso - discussed in Picasso’s 1932 Mistress Reaps $40.7M at Sotheby’s / Lindsay Pollock: Art Market Views
Lyonel Feininger, Pablo Picasso, Pierre Bonnard, Salvador Dalí - discussed in In London, New Stars and New Bidders / The Wall Street Journal
Auguste Renoir - discussed in Pittsburgh Bets A Renoir On Super Bowl Victory / National Public
Radio, The art of Super Bowl wagering — museum style / The Seattle Times
Art News, For Last Week:
New York:- The New York institution, which has been regularly failing to meet crushing debt obligations, plans to show work by black self-taught and graffiti artists. ARTINFO
Cairo:- As tourists begin to trickle back into Egypt, six of the country's antiquities museums and all of its archeological sites re-opened to the public on Sunday. ARTINFO
Cairo:- They Died to See Egypt Soar: A Cairo Artist's Portraits of the Revolution's Martyred Activists Courtesy of Ganzeer Art Info
A very fine and extremely rare hand-coloured copy of the six-volume 'The Holy Land' by David Roberts is for auction at Bonhams sale of Printed Books and Manuscripts in London on 22 March. It is estimated at £70,000- 90,000.
Award for Wael Shawky: The Egyptian artist, whose multimedia installations and performances deal with cultural hybridization and societies in transition, has been awarded the Ernst Schering Foundation Art Award, which comes with a prize of 10,000 euros and a solo show at the KW Institute for Contemporary Art in Berlin. [Press Release]
50-Foot Nude "Loire Woman" Statue Is Chased Away From Medieval French Abbey. ARTINFO
Our Artists are:
Albert Carrier-Belleuse, Allen Gilbert, An He, Arthur Foster, Ben Kamihira, Benjamin Brown, Chiparus, Demetre, CHRISTOPHE FRATIN, CLARENCE GAGNON, CLEMENT HAUPERS, Elizabeth Spalding, Elizabeth Thompson, Erte, Frederic Remington, Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marcel, Gilles E. Gingras,Giunta, Joseph, HELMUT GRANSOW, Henri Matisse, Hughes Claude Pissarro, Ignaz Marcel Gaugengigl, J W Good, Joan Mirò, Lelia Pissarro, Louis Icart, Louis Muhlstock, Lyonel Feininger, Marc Chagall, MARC-AURELE, FORTIN, NEUMANN, Ernest, Pablo Picasso, PAUL DUBOIS, Paul Neri, PENCKE, Peter Max, Pierre Bonnard, PIERRE-JULES MÊNE, Rembrandt van Rijn, Renoir, Rosa Bonheur, Salvador Dali, Stanley Cosgrove, TETSURO SAWADA, Theo Tobiasse, Willy Biehn NEW:
Jeremie All, Favreau, Marcel , Labelle, Vezina Regis, Weber Christian, Windisch Etienne J
For full details, visit our Web Site Blog: http://www.zaidan.ca/Art_Gallery/Blog/Blog.htm