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Welcome to our Art Collector Blog/Newsletter for July 1 , 2012 (News Letter Archives)

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Our Artists

Anzabi, Aziz
Begay Wilford
Belleuse, Albert Carrierr
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonnard, Pierre
Burr, George E
Chagall, Marc
Chiparus, Demetre
Cosgrove, Stanley
Daumier, Honore
Davidson, Allen, Pinx
Dodge, Frances Farrand
Dubois, Paul
Eaton, John
Ekman, Harry
Favreau, Marcel
Feininger, Lyonel
Fiore, Peter
Fortin, Marc-Aurele
Foster, Arthur
Fratin, Christopher
Gagnon, Clarence
Gaucherel, Leon
Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marce
Gelena, Giovanni
Gilbert, Allen
Giles, Jeramie
Giskegaard, Margareth
Giunta, Joseph
Good, J. W.
Gransow, Helmut
Gromme, Owen
Guillermo Lorente Perez
Handy, Theresa
Hannaford, Charles E
Hardy, Thomas Bush
Fredrick Hart
He, An
Incised, Acoma
Johnson, Catherine
Jones, Albertus
Kamihira, Ben
Kirkby, Ken
Labelle, Fernand
Lautrec, Henri Toulouse
Lindahl, Joseph
Lucioni, Luigi
MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw
Matisse, Henri
Max, Peter
Mene, Jules
Miro, Joan
Moreau, Auguste
Muneret, Patrick
Nutting, Wallace
Palmero, Alfredo
Picasso, Pablo
Poirier, Marcel
Poor, Henry Vernum
Pope, Perpetua
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Rollins, Jo
Russel, C M Charles
Aly El Sohby
Spalding, Elizabeth
Ta-Coumba, Aiken
Lidya Aaghia Tchakerian
Tewa, Faron
Thompson, Elizabeth
Tobiasse, Theo
Trifiro, Cristina
Vezina, Regis
Weber, Christian
Ward, William Jr.
Windisch, Etienne J

Recent Additions

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Added to our Price Index Guide:

Bonnard, Pierre - FEMME À LA BAIGNOIRE,  La toilette assise, Eloge de Pierre Bonnard,

GEORGE ELBERT BURR  - Clear Creek from North Denver, Mt. Byers, Colorado,

Marc Chagall  - Selbstbildnis mit lachendem Gesicht, Le Statuaire et la Statue de Jupiter, Le Songe du Capitane Bryaxis, Le Baie des Anges, Meditation, Pour Vava: Echelle au ciel, David et Bethsabée, Vase de Fleurs, Maternité orange, La Sirène, Romeo and Juliet, Carmen, The Magic Flute, Bay of Nice, Bonjour Paris,  L'ANGE DU JUGEMENT, LE CANTIQUE DES CANTIQUES... More

Chiparus, Demetre - Starfish Dancer, Dancer with Scarf, Lady with Cornucopia, Dourga, Solo, Semiramis,

Salvador Dali - Pilade aimait Hermione, Carmen (70-1 M), Le Roi Marc from Tristan et Iseult, Anarcardium Recordans (Begonia, Le Coeur) from Flora Dalinae, Don Quixote, Les diners de gala, Cabinet Polymorphique, Dalinian Dancer, Soft Self Portrait, Galatea Spheres, La Famille, Enigma Sans, Metamorphose, Melted Clock, Birth of Man, Combat des Cavaliers, Impossible Dream, Diamond Head, Exploding Madonna, Transcendent, Le Picador,

Daumier, Honoré - En Ballon Captif,

Louis Icart - Les Masques, Look, Coursing II, Coursing III, Fishing, Melody Hour, Silk Robe, Sofa, Ballerina in Flight, Playtime, Lady with Umbrella, The Swing, The Bicycle Springtime,

Toulouse_Lautrec - Ta bouche, Edmée Lescot, Une Spectatrice, Eros Vanné, Brandès et Leloir, dans "Cabotins", Ballade de Noël, Yvette Guilbert, sur la Scène, Yvette Guilbert, "Chanson Ancienne", Yvette Guilbert,"Soûlarde." Quatorze Lithographies Originales, REINE DE JOIE,

HENRI MATISSE  - Nu assis, bras gauche sur la tête, Grand Masque Massia, Profil de jeune fille coiffée à la grèque, Ulysses, Jeune femme assise (Monique), Martiniquaise, Tête de Femme, UNTITLED FROM LES MIRRORS PROFUNDS, Formes, Le Cirque from the Jazz Portfolio, Grand Palais, NU AU BRACELET, Le Repose du Modele, Untitled Portrait, Sirene (Poster),

Peter Max - From Another Planet, Ben Turpin Cameo, Keystone Cops, Nelson Mandela 2, Black Series: Vase of Flowers #7, Mick Jagger 1974, PEACE ON EARTH, Better World 2010, Cosmic Runner 2000, Day Dream 2010, Friends 2001, Liberty 2003, Love 2010, Mickey Mouse Suite of 4 Serigraphs 1995, Nude Fan Dancer, Version J, #15 1989, Promised Land, Profile II/Blue, Flower Blossom Lady, Angel with Heart, Flag/Blue, Profile II/Pink, Flag/Pink,

Joan Miró  - SANS TITRE, Lithograph III, Fraternity, Femme et Oiseau Devant la Lune, L'Antitête, Le Monocle, The Mesmerizer--Orange, Ubu aux Baléares, Le Lézard aux Plume d'Or, L'Écolière au Buisson, La Fourmi rose, La Commedia dell'Arte VIII, Colpir Sense Nafrar I, Journal d'un Graveur, Composition sur Fond Vert, Mauve de la Lune... More

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz - DEDICATION À MANUEL PALLARÈS, Portrait de femme, L'Homme au Chien, Femme et Enfant, Peintre entre Deux Modèles, Peintre travaillant, Le Peintre et son Modèle Mourlot XXVII, Méléagre tue le Sanglier de Calydon, Minotaure caressant une femme, La Guêpe, Le Crapaud, Femme de face: Jours de Gloire, Exposition Hispano-Americaine, Exposition Vallauris 1951, Danseuse, Le Columbe Volant (á l'Arc-en-Ciel), La Danse des Faunes, Exposition  Vallauris 1958, Le Vieux Roi, Bacchanale II, Picador II, Femme endormie... More


Frederick Remington - Cowboy, Cheyenne, Outlaw Coming Through the Rye, Stampede, Wicked Pony,

Renoir, Pierre Auguste  - PORTRAIT DE ROSITA MAURI, La Danse à la Campagne, 2e planche, Le Chapeau Épinglé (2e planche), Le Fleuve Scamandre (1re planche), Claude Renoir, la tête baisée, Étude de femme nue, assise, variante, Femme nue couchée (tournée a droite)...More

Theo Tobiasse  - UNE FILLE FAIT POUR UN BOUQUET, THEO TOBIASSE, EXODUS, Fleur d'Alcove, Lumiere du Prophete, Je Marche dans le temps, Cheval Arlequin, Immense Femme Inconnue,



    Women at heart of “Colorado & the West” is an all-female art exhibit dedicated to the talents of historic and noteworthy artists of our area. Laura Gilpin, Spalding, Elizabeth... are among some of the more distinguished names contributing to a collection of over 100 works... Dana Padilla 303magazine


    Minneapolis - Rembrandt exhibit to open at Minneapolis Institute of Arts.

    A major exhibit of authentic Rembrandt paintings opens June 24 at the Minneapolis Institute of Arts.
    "Rembrandt in America" features some 30 bona fide works by the Dutch master. It's the largest number of authentic paintings by Rembrandt ever assembled in the U.S. Associated Press

    Spring Green, WI - 43rd Annual Spring Green Arts and Crafts Fair · 200 ARTISTS NATION WIDE EXHIBITING. June 23 at 9:00am until June 24 at 5:00pm

Exhibitions Cont.

Marc Chagall . The origins of the master’s creative language. To the 125th birth anniversary. The Tretyakov Gallery. 15 june — 30 September 2012. Related articles: Chagall in the shtetl

The National Gallery of Art currently has a large exhibition of works by Joan Miró.  It’s  a well-organized show that does a great job of providing background and context for his work. This exhibition traces the arc of Miró's career while drawing out his political and cultural commitments.

Picasso, Diaghilev Courted Generous Parisian Beauty - Toulouse_Lautrec , Renoir, Bonnard, Vuillard portrayed her, Ravel dedicated his choreographic poem “La Valse” to her, and Mallarme, a leader of the Symbolist movement, glorified her on an autographed fan.
Misia, Reine de Paris,” an exhibition at the Musee D’Orsay in Paris, celebrates Misia Sert (1872-1950), the darling of countless painters, composers and writers...
Bloomberg News

Art News

Joan Miro: The Ladder of Escape in Washington, DC at Films at the ... Joan Miró: The Ladder of Escape Information: Get event details, driving directions and more.

John Berger's "Bonnard, Pierre " Just finished the short essay. For Berger Bonnard's nudes are "far and away the best pictures." He discusses several but ends on the Grand Nu Bleu (1924). Above the picture I quote from Berger's essay re why he thinks the nudes so important. Without Lifting A Finger

The ARTINFO Bookshelf: 40 Books That Every Artist Should Own, Part II
ARTINFO continues its list of the 40 books every artist should own, following up Part 1 with another 20 essential picks for your library:

“Witness to Her Art” Rhea Anastas and Michael Brenson, Center for Curatorial Studies, Bard College

“The Profitable Artist: A Handbook for All Artists in the Performing, Literary, and Visual Arts” Edited by Artspire, Co-published by the New York Foundation for the Arts and Allworth Press

“Art & Fear: Observations on the Perils (and Rewards) of Artmaking” by David Bayles and Ted Orland, Image Continuum Press

“The Rules of Art: Genesis and Structure of the Literary Field” by Pierre Bourdieu, Stanford University Press

“Participation” Edited by Claire Bishop, MIT Press, co-published with Whitechapel Art Gallery, London

“Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility” James P. Carse, Ballantine Books (Random House)

“100 Artists’ Manifestos: From the Futurists to the Stuckists” Edited by Alex Danchev, Penguin Classics

“Art As Experience” by John Dewey, Penguin Group

“Evictions: Art and Spatial Politics” by Rosalyn Deutsche, MIT Press

“Art Forms in Nature: The Prints of Ernst Haeckel” by Ernst Haeckel, Prestel

“True Colors: The Real Life of the Art World” Anthony Haden-Guest, Grove/Atlantic Inc.

“The Art Spirit” by Robert Henri, Basic Books

“Jack Goldstein and the CalArts Mafia” by Richard Hertz, Hol Art Books

“Air Guitar: Essays on Art & Democracy” by Dave Hickey, Art Issues Press

“After Modern Art 1945-2000” David Hopkins, Oxford University Press

“Concerning the Spiritual in Art” by Wassily Kandinsky, Dover Publications

“Art School: Propositions for the 21st Century” Edited by Steven Henry Madoff, MIT Press

“I Like Your Work: Art and Etiquette” Edited by Paper Monument

“On Photography” by Susan Sontag, Picador (MacMillan)

“The Practice and Science of Drawing” Harold Speed, Dover Publications

Visualizing Joan Miro’s Market
Yesterday, Sotheby’s London sold Joan Miro’s 1927 Peinture (Etoile Bleue) for US$37 million, setting a new auction record for the Spanish painter!
Check out artnet Index Graph to see Miró’s market developments from 2002 to 2011. So far in 2012, Joan Miró sold almost US$70 million at auction, exceeding all previous annual sales totals with the exception of 2007! 
Get artnet Analytics Reports to find out more about market developments of artists who made the news, such as Kees van Dongen, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Joan Miró!

Sotheby’s London sold Joan Miró's 1927 Peinture (Etoile Bleue) for US$37 million, setting a new auction record for the Spanish painter!

Check out artnet Index Graph to see Miró’s market developments from 2002 to 2011. So far in 2012, Joan Miró sold almost US$70 million at auction, exceeding all previous annual sales totals with the exception of 2007! 

Artnet provides Analytics Reports to find out more about market developments of artists who made the news, such as Kees van Dongen, Renoir, Pierre Auguste , and Joan Miró!

London - Picasso, Pablo Ruiz, Joan Miró Start $500 Million Test of Auction Market. A painting by Joan Miro (Etoile Bleue), sold for a record $37 million last night as billionaire buyers fought over the most desirable works and passed on lesser Impressionist and modern pieces. "Nu debout," a 1931 painting by Bonnard, Pierre sold for 4.5 million pounds. "Baigneuse" by Renoir, Pierre Auguste was sold privately before the event... BLOOMBERG

Reproductions, counterfeits, copies, knock-offs, forgeries, facsimiles, replicas, phonies, fakes . . . It doesn’t matter what they are called, these items are the scourge of the antiques and collectibles world. Not only can they result in fraudulent purchases, but they also drag down the value of their authentic counterparts because the buying public is justifiably afraid to purchase something that might not be real... WorthPoint Corporation

Sarasota, FL - Online galleries are good for today's art business. There are more than 200 worldwide online galleries with an influence that now plays a significant role in the success for any artist or art collector... Vocus

In Art, Freedom of Expression Doesn’t Extend to ‘Is It Real?’ Art’s celebrated freedom of expression no longer extends to expert opinions on authenticity. As spectacular sums flow through the art market and an expert verdict can make or destroy a fortune, several high-profile legal cases have pushed scholars to censor themselves for fear of becoming entangled in lawsuits.


Contemporary Art and Rare Prints (Session 1) Sunday's Auction House, New York

Chiparus, Demetre - Friends Forever was auctioned at De Vuyst, May 12, 2012 - Tender Promise was auctioned at Shapiro Auctioneers, May 9, 2012

Joan Miró - Untitled to be sold at Grogan & Company, May 20, 2012 - Composition 1974 was auctioned at Brunk Auctions, May 13, 2012  - Oda a Joan Miró 1973 was auctioned at De Vuyst, May 12, 2012 -

Picasso, Pablo, Espectatores (Bloch 1010) 1961 and 10 other prints, Joan Miró L'Ange Crible 1973 and  four other prints sold at June Fine Art June 27th 2012


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Zaidan Gallery, 7881 Decarie Blvd. Suite 405, Montreal, Quebec, H4P2H2 Canada

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