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Welcome to our Art Collector Blog/Newsletter for June 15 , 2012 (News Letter Archives)

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Our Artists

Anzabi, Aziz
Begay Wilford
Belleuse, Albert Carrierr
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonnard, Pierre
Burr, George E
Chagall, Marc
Chiparus, Demetre
Cosgrove, Stanley
Daumier, Honore
Davidson, Allen, Pinx
Dodge, Frances Farrand
Dubois, Paul
Eaton, John
Ekman, Harry
Favreau, Marcel
Feininger, Lyonel
Fiore, Peter
Fortin, Marc-Aurele
Foster, Arthur
Fratin, Christopher
Gagnon, Clarence
Gaucherel, Leon
Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marce
Gelena, Giovanni
Gilbert, Allen
Giles, Jeramie
Giskegaard, Margareth
Giunta, Joseph
Good, J. W.
Gransow, Helmut
Gromme, Owen
Guillermo Lorente Perez
Handy, Theresa
Hannaford, Charles E
Hardy, Thomas Bush
Fredrick Hart
He, An
Incised, Acoma
Johnson, Catherine
Jones, Albertus
Kamihira, Ben
Kirkby, Ken
Labelle, Fernand
Lautrec, Henri Toulouse
Lindahl, Joseph
Lucioni, Luigi
MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw
Matisse, Henri
Max, Peter
Mene, Jules
Miro, Joan
Moreau, Auguste
Muneret, Patrick
Nutting, Wallace
Palmero, Alfredo
Picasso, Pablo
Poirier, Marcel
Poor, Henry Vernum
Pope, Perpetua
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Rollins, Jo
Russel, C M Charles
Aly El Sohby
Spalding, Elizabeth
Ta-Coumba, Aiken
Lidya Aaghia Tchakerian
Tewa, Faron
Thompson, Elizabeth
Tobiasse, Theo
Trifiro, Cristina
Vezina, Regis
Weber, Christian
Ward, William Jr.
Windisch, Etienne J

Recent Additions

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Added to our Price Index Guide:

Bonnard, Pierre - WOMAN WITH DOVE, NU DEBOUT 1931,

Chagall, Marc - The Dance, PARIS: L'OPERA, FLOWERS IN A VASE with lovers, JACOB AND THE ANGEL, KING DAVID, SOLOMEN PROCLAIMED KING OF ISRAEL, CAPTURE OF JERUSALEM, THE CANDLESTICK, Blue King, Frontispiece, from Daphnis and Chloé, The Arrival of Dionysophanes, Bouquet with Hand, Candlestick, from: Jerusalem Windows 1962, Cheval Bleu et Couple, Evening, Four Seasons - Chicago 1974, Maternite au Centaure Maternity with Centaur 1957,

Chiparus, Demetre - Kapurthala, Dourga, Eternal Friends, Chorus Line, Miro, Star Fish, Almeria, Actress, Antinea, Butterfly Dancer, Clara, Chorus Dancer, Dolly Sisters, Fan Dancer, Favourite, Harliquinade, Leotard, Oriental Fan Dancer, Pajama Girl, Persian Dancer, Slit Skirt, Spanish Dancer, Spring Awakening, Tanara, Semiramis, Shimmer, Tango, Tender Promises, Thais, Book Lady, Top Hat, Pirouette,

Daumier, Honoré - Les Beaux Jours de la Vie: Un Premier Voyage en Chemin de Fer,

Salvador Dali - Dante and Beatrice (The Divine Comedy series),  Arachne (Divine Comedy Series) Dante Purified (Divine Comedy Series), Dante Re-awakens (Divine Comedy Series), Dante's Repentance (Divine Comedy Series), Ecstatic Visions (Divine Comedy Series), Greed (Divine Comedy Series), Our Lady of the Anunciation (Divine Comedy Series), Prodigality (Divine Comedy Series), Angel of Mercy (Divine Comedy Series), The Blind for Envy (Divine Comedy Series), The Divine Forest (Divine Comedy Series), The Eagle of Grace (Divine Comedy Series), The Golden Age (Divine Comedy Series), The Guiding Angel (Divine Comedy Series), The Guardians of the Valley of the Princes (Divine Comedy Series), The Law of the Climbing (Divine Comedy Series), The Lustful (Divine Comedy Series), The Neglectful Meets Violent Death (Divine Comedy Series), The Neglectful (Divine Comedy Series), The Powers of Soul (Divine Comedy Series), The Proud One (Divine Comedy Series), The Reign of the Penitents (Divine Comedy Series), The Second Cornice (Divine Comedy Series), The Siren of Dream (Divine Comedy Series), The Slothful (Divine Comedy Series), The Smoke of Irascibility (Divine Comedy Series), The Tree of Punishment (Divine Comedy Series), The Two Crowds of Lustful (Divine Comedy Series), Towards the Tree of Law (Divine Comedy Series), Virgil's Admonishment (Divine Comedy Series), Virgil's Last Words (Divine Comedy Series),

Icart - CIGARETTE MEMORIES, MY PLEASURE, Félecia ou mes fredaines,



Henri Matisse - Le Repos Du Modele 1922, Loulou Masque 1914, PORTRAIT DE RENE LERICHE, Untitled Painter and Model, PEINTRE DEVANT SON CHEVALET, LA DAME A LA COLLERETTE, PORTRAIT DE JACQUELINE A LA FRAISE, The Flowing Hair, TRAVAIL ET JOIE, Arbre en Fleur 1949, Baigneuse dans les Roseaux 1952/1954, Danseuse Creole, Femme a L'amphore et Grenades, Femme a l'Amphore, Le Repos du Modele, Negresse, Nu Bleu aux Bas Verts 1952/1954, Nu Bleu Debout 1952/1954. Nu Bleu IV 1952/1954, Nu Bleu, la Grenouille 1952/1954, Nu Bleu, Sauteuse de Corde 1952/1954, Retrospective Exhibition 1966,

Peter Max - Better World 1989, Delta 2000, Nude Fan Dancer, Version J.15 1989, Atlantic Runner,

Joan Miró - LE GRAND ORDINATEUR, GALERIE-MIRO TOBRE TEIXIMS, Tracé sur la Paroi I, Tracé sur la Paroi III, Tracé sur la Paroi IV, Trace sur la paroi V, Tracé sur la Paroi VI, Couple d'Oiseaux III, 26 WORKS: Two Suites from: Suites pour Ubu Roi, OISEAU DEVANT LE SOLEIL, Derrier le Miroir Miro I 1978, Derrier le Miroir Miro II 1978, Derrier le Miroir Sobreteixims I 1973, Derrier le Miroir, Sobreteixims II 1973, Derrier le Miroir, Sobreteixims III 1973, Galerie Maeght Miro Poster 1965, Galerie Maeght. Miró 1967,

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz - NATURE MORTE AU CITRON, FEMME AU CHAPEAU A FLEURS, PORTRAIT DE VOLLARD II, DEUX SCULPTEURS DEVANT UNE STATUE, Femme accoudée, Sculpture de Dos et tête barbue, Minotaure Caressant une Femme, Plate 84 from La Suite Vollard, Taureau et Chevaux dans l'Arène, Plate 15 from La Suite Vollard, Dejeuner sur l'Herbe, Le Homard, BACCHANAL, Nature morte au Citron et un Pichet rouge, L'Egyptienne, Torse de femme, BUSTE DE FEMME DE JEUNE FILLE, D'APRES CRANACH LE JEUNE, Venus et l'amour (after Cranach), FEMME AU CORSAGE A FLEURS (B. 847; M. 307), FEMME AU CORSAGE A FLEURS (B. 846; M. 307), FEMME AU CORSAGE A FLEURS (M. 307; NOT IN B.), FEMME AU CORSAGE A FLEURS (B. 847; M. 307), FEMME AU CORSAGE A FLEURS (B. 847; M. 307), SUENO Y MENTIRA DE FRANCO (B. 297- 298), GARCON ET DORMEUSE A LA CHANDELLE (B. 226), MINOTAURE AVEUGLE GUIDE PAR UNE FILLETTE, III (B. 224),

MINOTAURE AVEUGLE GUIDE PAR UNE FILLETTE DANS LA NUIT (B.225), PICADOR ET TORERO (B. 906), PICADOR ET TAUREAU (B. 907), TETE DE FAUNE (B. 1094), BACCHANALE AVEC CHEVREAU ET SPECTATEUR (B. 931), L'ESPAGNOLE, PORTRAIT DE JACQUELINE EN CARMEN (B. 1095), LA CHUTE D'ICARE (B. 2016), Harlequin (Project for a Monument), Still Life on Pedestal Table, Nu Couche, Woman with Pears, POUR ROBBIE, LE REPOS DU SCULPTEUR, Centre Culturel International (Université de Genève) 1968, Chevalet, Peintre et Modele Masque 1954, Cirque I 1954, Clown a la Glace 1954, Clown et Acrobate, Clown et Femme Nu 1954, Couple (Amours Feminines) 1951, Dans l'Atelier du Vieux Peintre 1954, Dans l'Atelier 1954, Femme et Petit Singe 1954, Femme Nu et Roi Masque a Cheval 1954, Femme Nu 1954, Femme Nue Couchee 1963, Femmes et Pigeon 1956, Fleurs dans un Vase 1950, Fleurs dans un Verre, No.6 1947, Hommage a Georges Braque 1964, Kari et Lari 1954, March against Death - March on Washington 1969, Masque et Modele Nu 1954, Modèle avec le Masque 1954, Peintre et le Modele 1954, Petite Corrida 1957, Dessins d'un Demi-Siecle 1956, Picasso: 60 Years of Graphic Works 1966, Les Dejeuners - Dessins 1962, Roi a Cheval 1954, Diurnes: Decoupages et Photographies [with 30 heliogravures] 1962, Bouteille, Compotier, Asiette de Biscuits 1924,


Renoir, Pierre Auguste - Baigneuse / standing bather, to mid-thighs, RECLINING NUDE, BERTHE MORISOT, LE CHAPEAU EPINGLE, BAIGNEUSE DEBOUT, A MI-JAMBES,

Russell, C M Charles - Bolter, Smoking Up,


Art News

Is art a hedge against inflation? Many believe that the vast creation of dollars through quantitative easing has to bring inflation in the not-so-distant future. Investors are once again trying to establish whether art is a good investment in times of inflation. By Ivan Lindsay Lindsay Fine Art

KANSAI - "Marc Chagall 2012: The Love Story" Chagall, Marc  lived through the hardships of both world wars. Because of this life and his Belarusian-Russian-French roots, he moved many times — from Vitebsk in Belarus, where he grew up, to traveling between St. Petersburg, Berlin and Paris — until he was forced to flee German-occupied France for the United States in 1941. NAGASAKI PREFECTURAL ART MUSEUM By TOMOHIRO OSAKI

Basel _ Art Basel bulletin. Often dubbed the "Olympics of the art world," Art Basel is certainly daunting, even for the most esteemed collector or knowledgeable art aficionado. This year will present over 300 galleries from 36 countries, and our guess is that visitors hardly know where to begin. Yet we believe that some of the most innovative art you can find in Basel this week is happening on the periphery, in the many satellite events opening to complement the main fair. more...

Milwaukee Art Museum - The show sets the right mood to browse Posters of Paris: Toulouse-Lautrec and His Contemporaries, MAM’s new exhibit up now through Sept. 9, 2012.
WASHINGTON, D.C. - Starting in the summer of 1921, Joan Miró began to paint a large picture of his family's farm in the coastal village of Mont-roig, south of ... Escaping to Joan Miró's world at National Gallery of Art: Art review ...

ST. PETERSBURG - Conservators with are working countless hours to restore four works from Salvador Dali's collection back to their original beauty.
The project titled “Stripped Bare and Bathed” is a $100,000 project that’s been partially funded by the National Endowment of the Arts.
Ashley Jeffery Bay News 9

Boston - The FBI Is Launching A Public Campaign To Solve The Biggest Museum Theft In History. Rembrandt's  "The Storm on the Sea of Galilee" was one of the stolen pieces in the heist... Meredith Galante Business Insider

A Serious Look at Funny Faces - Perhaps the most famous examples of this are the series of lithographs by Daumier, Honore from the early 1830s representing King Louis-Philippe in the form ... Smithsonian

ART OF THE DAY: Kamihira, Ben

London - The drawing skills of Picasso compared to the Old Masters  - "They say that I can draw better than Raphael", Gertrude Stein recorded Picasso as saying. "And they're probably right. Perhaps I even draw better." Picasso made this boast..." So writes someone called Catesby Leigh, in Standpoint magazine. Johnathan Pearce  Arts & Entertainment

We're missing the big pictures - Tate Britain in its recent exhibitions and installations, (Migrations and Picasso & Modern British Art; 15 February – 15 July 2012) has covered territory that would have looked just as good and apposite in Tate Modern and indeed might have been rather better done (neither were ... The Independent

Minsk - Chagall, Marc  exhibition in Minsk. On June 7, until mid-September, an open-air exhibition of reproductions of the works of Belarus-born Mark Chagall was opened in the Yakub Kolas Square in Minsk commemorating the artist’s 125th anniversary.

Paris - (1) September starts the Paris cultural scene. List of the next galleries openings. (2) The four artists nominated for the 2012 Marcel Duchamp Prize are Dewar & Gicquel (Hervé Loevenbruck gallery), Valérie Favre (Jocelyn Wolff gallery), Bernard Lamarche (galerie Poggi & Bertoux associés gallery) and Franck Scurti (galerie Michel Rein gallery).

HOUSTON — A collection of paintings including works by Rembrandt, H, van Rijn, Anthony van Dyck and Thomas Gainsborough has left its home at London’s Kenwood House and will travel to museums around the U.S. while the stately home undergoes renovations, marking the first time many of the works have been seen outside of the neoclassical villa on Hampstead Heath. The Washington Post

Guitar God Immortalized In Technicolor Masterpiece - Peter Max Paints Joe Bonamassa, In Classic Max Style ... Releasing today is a NEW special Peter Max lithograph, "Joe to the Max," the seventh edition of ... WFSB


Auction Details

Sotheby's - Tableaux et Dessins Anciens et du XIXe siècle Paris, June 21, 2012 Sale: F1209

Weschler's to Auction Private Collection of Fine Books, Wednesday, June 20th

Swann American Art / Contemporary Art, Sale Number: 2281. Jun 14, 2012

Sotheby's - Old Master & British Drawings, taking place in London on 4 July

Long Island City, NY - announces auction "The Peter Max Sale", with nearly 300 lots of Paintings, Prints, Posters and rare Collectibles for Thursday, June 28th

Ramos enamelLong Island City, NY - announces their June Fine Art Sale, featuring over 350 lots of paintings, prints, photographs, sculptures & furniture. Including works by Joan Miró, Picasso, Pablo Ruiz , Chagall, Marc ... Wednesday, June 27th

Sotheby's London - Impressionist & Modern Art Evening Sale Sale Number: L12006 June 19, 2012

Ivey-Selkirk - Rosa Bonheur - Portrait of a bull standing in a field was auctioned on June 10, 2012

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz  - Tete De Femme (Portrait Stylise De..., and 2 other lots were auctioned at Freeman's, May 12, 2012




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