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Welcome to our Art Collector Blog/Newsletter for January 11, 2012

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Our Artists

Anzabi, Aziz
Begay Wilford
Belleuse, Albert Carrierr
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonnard, Pierre
Burr, George E
Chagall, Marc
Chiparus, Demetre
Cosgrove, Stanley
Daumier, Honore
Davidson, Allen, Pinx
Dodge, Frances Farrand
Dubois, Paul
Eaton, John
Ekman, Harry
Favreau, Marcel
Feininger, Lyonel
Fiore, Peter
Fortin, Marc-Aurele
Foster, Arthur
Fratin, Christopher
Gagnon, Clarence
Gaucherel, Leon
Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marce
Gelena, Giovanni
Gilbert, Allen
Giles, Jeramie
Giskegaard, Margareth
Giunta, Joseph
Good, J. W.
Gransow, Helmut
Gromme, Owen
Guillermo Lorente Perez
Handy, Theresa
Hannaford, Charles E
Hardy, Thomas Bush
Fredrick Hart
He, An
Incised, Acoma
Johnson, Catherine
Jones, Albertus
Kamihira, Ben
Kirkby, Ken
Labelle, Fernand
Lautrec, Henri Toulouse
Lindahl, Joseph
Lucioni, Luigi
MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw
Matisse, Henri
Max, Peter
Mene, Jules
Miro, Joan
Moreau, Auguste
Muneret, Patrick
Nutting, Wallace
Palmero, Alfredo
Picasso, Pablo
Poirier, Marcel
Poor, Henry Vernum
Pope, Perpetua
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Rollins, Jo
Russel, C M Charles
Aly El Sohby
Spalding, Elizabeth
Ta-Coumba, Aiken
Lidya Aaghia Tchakerian
Tewa, Faron
Thompson, Elizabeth
Tobiasse, Theo
Trifiro, Cristina
Vezina, Regis
Weber, Christian
Ward, William Jr.
Windisch, Etienne J

Recent Additions

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Added to our Price Index Guide:

Erté - Romain de Tirtoff - Dream Voyage 1977, Four Emotions Suite

Matisse, Henri  - Abstract Nude, Vierge a L'enfant Debout

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz - Buste D’homme 1905, Le Bain,

Max, Peter  - Ascending Angel 2009, Beauty Detail 2003, Blushing Beauty 2002, Four Seasons II, Liberty 2000 III, Love 2010

Dali, Salvador - Alice in Wonderland, Aliyah - Wailing Wall 1968, Angoscia Eterosessuale 1974, Beloved One Running in the Mountains 1972, Birth of Venus 1971, Carmen-Castanets 1974, Cartel Unicef 1966, Couloir De Kathmandou 1969, Diamond Head 1980, Don Quixote Seated 1972, Dulcinea 1971, Faune 1973, Hagoromo 1975, Jugoye 1975,

An He - Emily,



Art News

News leaked Thursday that the al-Thani's, the royal family of Qatar, purchased Paul Cezanne's "The Card Players" (1895) for a record $250 million in a private sale sometime in 2011 — the highest reported price ever paid for a single work of art... Art Info

Museums in England share £60m fund of Public Money to be divided between 16 English museums and galleries to improve their exhibitions; including Manchester, York, Cumbria and Bristol. The 16 successful applicants will share £20m per year over the next three years. BBC

Money, Fraud, And Scandal: Art Highlights Of 2011 Where there’s money, there’s usually crime. Where there’s big money, there’s big crime. In the art market of 2011, there was both, and lots of it. Forbes

Miró, Joan - discussed in: Big Labor, Economy / The Wall Street Journal

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz - discussed in  Picasso, Mondrian works stolen in Athens art heist / CNN; High makes ‘Picasso to Warhol’ free for Title 1 students / The Atlanta Journal-Constitution; Chinese Artist’s $507 Million Ousts Picasso as Leading 2011 Auction Earner / Bloomberg -  discussed in Zhang Daqian and Qi Baishi Overcome Pablo Picasso as Art Auction Market's Top Earners / International Business Times - mentioned in article titled Pablo Picasso's Notre-Dame Painting at Bonhams Auction / International Business Times - mentioned in article titled Portraits / Self-Portraits from the 16th to the 21st Century at Sperone Westwater / ArtDaily

Rembrandt, H, van Rijn- mentioned in article titled Auto-show glitter, Rembrandt's Face of Jesus at DIA ... and a day spent with both / Detroit Free Press

Auction Details

The Collection of Will Fisher: Founder of Jamb, Christies - SALE 4083, London, South Kensington

Chagall, Marc - Femmes au parapluies' for La Suite... to be sold at Bonhams New Bond Street, February 29, 2012 - Peintre sous un arbre;  to be sold at Christie's South Kensington, February 10, 2012 - Au cirque and 3 other lots to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012 - Vase de fleurs a l'ananas and 6 other lots to be sold at Millon & Associes January 24, 2012

Chiparus, Demetre - Children at play on naturalistic ground and The Favorite to be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, February 7, 2012

Dali, Salvador - 'Le mur des Lamentations' to be sold at Bonhams New Bond Street, February 29, 2012 - Le Cavalier to be sold at Christie's South Kensington, February 10, 2012, - Leonardo da Vinci to be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, February 7, 2012 - L'automobile fossile du Cap Creus and 2 other lots to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012 - Homage to Newton to be sold at Millon & Associes January 24, 2012 - 4 sheets: ''Puzzle of Life'', (Idra a... to be sold at Burchard Galleries, January 22, 2012; - Oedipus, from Mythologie to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012 - Woman with Cherubs and Figuras to be sold at Hutter Auction Galleries, January 21, 2012

Icart, Louis - Symphony in Blue and Conchita to be sold at Christie's New York, February 7, 2012 - Symphony in Blue to be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, February 7, 2012 - Hydrangeas and 3 other lots to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012 - Study of a woman with a water jug and Study of a woman with a hat were auctioned at Pook & Pook, January 14, 2012 - Woman with dogs and Portrait of a milkmaid were auctioned at Cowan's, January 13, 2012

Toulouse-Lautrec  - La pierreuse Gabrielle and 2 other lots to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012  - Le Baron Moise-La loge, from Au Pied ... to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012 -  3 Prints to be sold at Hutter Auction Galleries, January 21, 2012

Matisse, Henri - Cour de ferme en Bretagne to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012 - Lied Dement, from Poésies Antillaises and One Plate, from Jaques Kober, Les... to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012

Mêne, Jules  - Game Plaque with Stag and Heron to be sold at Copley Fine Art Auctions, January 16, 2012 - Game Plaque with Stag and Heron was auctioned at Copley Fine Art Auctions, January 16, 2012 - Horse and jockey and 4 other lots were auctioned at Pook & Pook, January 14, 2012

Miró, Joan  - Le Cri du Coq de Bruyère and Composition T to be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, February 7, 2012 - Femmes, homme and 2 other lots to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012  - Composition and 2 other lots to be sold at Millon & Associes, January 24, 2012

Picasso, Pablo Ruiz - Paysage de Juan-les-Pins to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012  -  Visage géométrique and 39 other lots to be sold at Christie's South Kensington, Feb 10, 2012; - Belle jeune femme à sa toilette revant... to be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries, Dallas, February 7, 2012 -Tete d'homme and 4 other lots to be sold at Millon & Associes January 24, 2012, -  Trois nus debout, from Le Chef-d'oeuv... and Cavalier et Cheval to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012 - 2 works: Picasso Color Prints to be sold at Hutter Auction Galleries, January 21, 2012 - Dove of peace with dancers and Four works were auctioned at Cowan's, January 13, 2012

Renoir, Pierre Auguste  - Femmes dans un paysage and 2 other lots to be sold at Christie's King Street, February 8, 2012 - Esquisse pour Oedipe (partie supérieure) and Tête de Coco to be sold at Christie's South Kensington, February 10, 2012Le Graveur V. -J. Roux-Champion to be sold at Bonhams & Butterfields, Los Angeles, January 22, 2012 - Le Chapeau Epingle was auctioned at Pook & Pook, January 14, 2012

Tobiasse, Theo - Les merveilles de l'Exode and 'La chevre et les rabbins' to be sold at Bonhams New Bond Street, February 29, 2012 - Paris et la dame aux cheveux rouges and Jacob et Rachel to be sold at Christie's South Kensington, February 10, 2012 - Deux ames et la douceurs d'Israel and 8 other lots to be sold at Millon & Associes January 24, 2012  - Le Chant Profond de la Lumiere qui... was auctioned at Cowan's, January 13, 2012

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Zaidan Gallery, 7881 Decarie Blvd. Suite 405, Montreal, Quebec, H4P2H2 Canada

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