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Picasso & The Vollard Suite

100 etchings

The Vollard Suite, named after Ambroise Vollard, Pablo Picasso's Paris art dealer and friend, is a complete collection of black-and-white etchings dating from 1930 to 1937; and traces the love affair between Pablo Picasso and Marie-Therese Walter. The suite was not published until 1950.


The Vollard Suite contains many themes which reveal Picasso's obsessions, including the classically derived subjects of the Minotaur (the man-beast) and Pygmalion (the artist obsessed with the model). Picasso once said of the role of an artist, `it's not what the artist does that counts, but what he is'.2 He was to identify himself, along with his own sense of artistic creativity and sexuality, with the mythical Minotaur. Nowhere is the link between the artist and `the untamable beast', to use Picasso's words,3 more apparent than in the Vollard Suite, where a major emphasis was devoted to transformations of the artist into his alter-ego, the Minotaur. In legend the Minotaur, who had the head of a bull on the body of a man, was the result of the coupling of Pasiphaë, wife of King Minos of Crete, and a white bull. Minos suffered the wrath of Poseidon, god of the sea, when he failed to sacrifice a white bull as he had promised. As retribution, the god mesmerized Pasiphaë and caused her to be infatuated with the bull. According to the ancient Latin poet Ovid's account, Pasiphaë was overcome with lust for the bull and disguised herself as a cow, `so she could kneel to let a bull mount her and carry in her womb half-man, half-bull'. (Metamorphoses, Book VIII) The National Gallery of Australia


The Suite Vollard has five themes; The Battle of Love, the Sculptor’s Studio (forty-six etchings made over the course of a year, from spring 1933 to spring 1934), Rembrandt, The Minotaur, and the Portraits of Vollard:

Femme Nue Couronnee de Fleurs, Femme nue Assise Devant un Rideau, Le Viol, Taureau Aile Contemple par Quatre Enfants, Faune Devoilant une Femme, Deux Buveurs Catalans, Personnages Masques et Femme Oiseau, Femme Nue Assise et Trois Tetes Barbues, Garcon et Dormeuse a la Chandelle, Sculpteur, Minotaure Caressant une Femme, Plate 84 from La Suite Vollard, Modele et Buste Sculpte, Sculpteur, Modele Accroupi et Tete Sculptee, Sculpteur Avec Coupe et Modele Accroupi, Sculpteur, Modéle couchè et sculpture,..., Le Repos du Sculpteur Devant le Jeune Cavalier, Le Repos du Sculpteur Devant un Centaure et une Femme, Le Repos du Sculpteur, II, Taureau et Chevaux dans l'Arène, Plate 15 from La Suite Vollard, Trois Femmes Nues Pres d'une Fenetre, Quatre Femmes Nues et Tete Sculptee, Minotaure, une Coupe a la Main, Et Jeune Femme, Scene Bacchique au Minotaure, Minotaure, Caressant une Dormeuse, Minotaure Aveugle Guide Par une Fillette, III, Minotaure Aveugle Guide Par une Fillette Dans la Nuit, Portrait de Vollard, II...


For a extensive research on the Vollard Suite please visit Ledor Fine Art.


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