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Since 1974

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Anzabi, Aziz
Begay Wilford
Belleuse, Albert Carrierr
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonnard, Pierre
Burr, George E
Chagall, Marc
Chiparus, Demetre
Cosgrove, Stanley
Daumier, Honore
Davidson, Allen, Pinx
Dodge, Frances Farrand
Dubois, Paul
Eaton, John
Ekman, Harry
Favreau, Marcel
Feininger, Lyonel
Fiore, Peter
Fortin, Marc-Aurele
Foster, Arthur
Fratin, Christopher
Gagnon, Clarence
Gaucherel, Leon
Gaugengigl, Ignaz Marce
Gelena, Giovanni
Gilbert, Allen
Giles, Jeramie
Giskegaard, Margareth
Giunta, Joseph
Good, J. W.
Gransow, Helmut
Gromme, Owen
Guillermo Lorente Perez
Handy, Theresa
Hannaford, Charles E
Hardy, Thomas Bush
Fredrick Hart
He, An
Incised, Acoma
Johnson, Catherine
Jones, Albertus
Kamihira, Ben
Kirkby, Ken
Labelle, Fernand
Lautrec, Henri Toulouse
Lindahl, Joseph
Lucioni, Luigi
MacLauchlan, Donald Shaw
Matisse, Henri
Max, Peter
Mene, Jules
Miro, Joan
Moreau, Auguste
Muneret, Patrick
Nutting, Wallace
Palmero, Alfredo
Picasso, Pablo
Poirier, Marcel
Poor, Henry Vernum
Pope, Perpetua
Renoir, Pierre Auguste
Rollins, Jo
Russel, C M Charles
Aly El Sohby
Spalding, Elizabeth
Ta-Coumba, Aiken
Lidya Aaghia Tchakerian
Tewa, Faron
Thompson, Elizabeth
Tobiasse, Theo
Trifiro, Cristina
Vezina, Regis
Weber, Christian
Ward, William Jr.
Windisch, Etienne J



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Index of Dali, Salvador  art listed on our site

 Images are copyright of their respective owners, assignees or others

A- Academic des Beaux Arts Sepia 1975, After 50 Years of Surrealism The Curse Conquered 1974, After 50 Years of Surrealism Flung Out Like A Fag End By Big wigs 1974, After 50 Years of Surrealism, Freud with Snail Head 1974, After 50 Years of Surrealism, Laurels of Happiness 1974, After 50 Years of Surrealism Shattering Entrance.. 1974, Agony of Love The Unicorn, A la Plage from the Nudes Suite, 1970, The Alert, Alice In Wonderland, Alice in Wonderland, L'alchimie 1972, Alchimie Des Philosophes Le Yin Et Le Yan 1975, Five Allegories Of Giovanni Bellini, Allee Des Verges 1969, Alma de Don Quijote, Amazone, Amazon & Cavalier a Rose, AMPLESSO ALLUCINOGENO, Anarcardium Recordans (Begonia, Le Coeur) from Flora Dalinae, Andrew from the Twelve Apostles Suite 1972, Anemone per antipasti, Angel de Port-Lligat, The Angels of the Empyrean, Angel of Mercy (Divine Comedy Series), Aliyah - Wailing Wall 1968, Aliyah, ALIYAH (COMPLETE SET OF 25), Amazone, Les Amoureux Suite, Les Amours De Cassandre Suite 1968, Les Amours De Cassandra 1968, Les Amours De Cassandre Portrait De Ronsard 1968, Les Amours Jaunes the Rebel Poet 1974, André Mary, Tristano e Isotta, New Yo..., Ange avec croix, The Angels of the Empyrean, Angel of the First Heaven,  The Angel of Mercy, L'ange Gabriel 1972, Anthropomorphic, Anti-Umbrella with Les Amours Jaunes Le Crapaud (the Toad) 1974, Atomized Liquid 1975, Anti Umbrella with Atomized Liquids, Anti umbrella with Atomized Liquid, Apollòn 1978, The Apparition of Dante's Great-Great-Grandfather, The Apparition of St. James, The Apotheosis Of Homer, The Apotheosis of the Virgin MaryThe Apotheosis of the Virgin Mary, Angoscia Eterosessuale 1974, Arachne, Arachne (Divine Comedy Series), Argus in Color 1963, Argus 1963, Aries,Fleurs Surrealistes (2), Arpion, Arrival at the Empyrean, Arrival of Dumont, L'Astre, Athena 1963, The Athropomorphic Cabinet, Aurelia L'ange De La Melancolie 1972, Aurelia Visage Surrealsite 1972, Autumn 1970,

B- Backdrop of Tristan, Batalla de Tetuan, Beatrice Comforts The Poet, Beatrice Resolves Dante's Doubt, The Beloved Feeds Among the Lilies, Beloved One Running in the Mountains 1972, Biblia Sacra 105, Bicephale 1968, La Biche 1968, Billy Goat, Billy Goat, Biological Garden 1975, Birdman (Bronze), Birth of Man, Birth Of A New Man, The Birth Of The New Human, Birth of Venus 1971, The Bishop Cum Troubadour, The Black Cherub,  The Blasphemers, The Blind for Envy, The Blind for Envy (Divine Comedy Series), Book Transforming Itself, La Botte Violette 1969, Bullfighter 1980, Bullfighter #4 1966, Bullfighter #4 1966, Le Buste 1968, Le Buste De Mao 1967, Bust of Woman with Arms Raised,

C- Caballero (Pantagruel), Caballero (Pantagruel), Cabinet Polymorphique, Cacciaguida's History Lesson, Cacciaguida Sees Dante's Exile in God, Caligula from Les Chevaux Daliniens,  El Capitan Nemo, Carmen (70-1 M), CARMEN WITH CASTANETS, Le Char De Bacchus 1996, Carmen, Carmen-Castanets 1974, Toreador Song from the Carmen Suite, CARPENTIER/WAINTROP, PARIS, Cartel Unicef 1966Cavalier a Etoile Filante, Cavalier a La Rose, Caesar and Cleopatra, Celestial Elephant (Space Elephant), Celestial Elephant Space Elephant, The Celestial Staircase, The Celestial Staircase, The Centaur, The Centaur (Bronze), Chalice of Love 1976, Chalice of Love, Charon, Chemist (Pharmacist), Le Cheval De Picasso 1968, Chevalier Léonardesque , 25 WORKS: LES CHEVAUX DALINIENS, Le Christ 1964, 2 works: Christ of Gala,  CHRIST SAINT JOHN OF THE CROSS, Christ of Saint John of the Cross, Christ of St. John on the Cross, Christ of St. John Sculpture, THE SYMMETRY OF CHRIST, The Chemist of Ampurdian, LE CIRQUE: ECUYÈRE Combat des Cavaliers, Le Comte Duc D'Orleans, Condoltiere, Confucius, The Constellation of the Blessed Spirits, The Constellation of the Blessed Spirits, Construction With Boiled Beans, COSMIC ATHLETE, Conquest of Cosmos Saturnian Giraffe, , Conquest of Cosmos Frozen Watches of Space Time, 6 WORKS: LA CONQUÊTE DU COSMOS II, JEAN LAVIGNE, PARIS, Cosmos II Latecomer from the Last Planet, CORPUS HYPERCUBICUS, La Cosmonaute 1969, The Corrupt, COUPLE DE PAYSANS, Couloir De Kathmandou 1969,A Couple With Heads In The Clouds, Etude De Couple Assis, Cristo de San Juan de la Cruz, Crucifix Christ of St John of the Cross 1982, Currier and Ives American Les Fleurs Et Fruite, Currier and Ives American Trotting Horse # 1, Currier and Ives American Trotting Horse # 2, Currier and Ives American Yachting Scene, Currier and Ives New York Central Park Winter, Cross, The Cross of Mars, Cycles of Life Suite (set of 3), Cycles of Life Suite of 3 Lithographs 1977, Cyclopean Make-Up 1971,

D- Dahlias (From the Floral Suite), Dali Gala Plaque, Dalinian Dancer, Dalinean Prophecy, Dante and Beatrice (The Divine Comedy series) -Arachne (Divine Comedy Series), From Dante's Divine Comedy; Dante Purified (Divine Comedy Series), Dante and Beatrice, Dante In Doubt, Dante Purified, Dante Re-awakens (Divine Comedy Series), Dante Re-Awakes, Ecstasy, The Divine Comedy, 1960, Dante's Repentance, Dante's Repentance (Divine Comedy Series), In Dark Limbo, Death of Clorinda, Debris Of An Automobile, Le Decameron La Femme Adultere 1972, Le Decameron La Peche Partage 1972, DÉDICACE POUR DOLORES COFFEE, Le Demon Aile 1969, Desert Watch, Chagall from Derrière Le Miroir 147, Diamond Head, The Divine Forest (Divine Comedy Series), Diamond Head 1980, Diamond Head, Les diners de gala, Les Diners De Gala, Les Diners De Gala Les Canibalismes De L'automne Lobster 1977, Les Diners De Gala - Les Chair Monarchiques, Divine Comedy Suite (Complete) 1970, The Divine Forest, Divine Impenetrability, Divine Impenetrability, Divine Word, DIX RECETTES D'IMMORTALITÉ, D. Quixote, Don Quixote, Don Quixote, Don Quixote 1981, Historia De Don Quichotte De La Mancha, Alma de Don Quijote, Don Quichotte Et Les Moulins a Vente, Don Quixote (Sculpture, Bas Relief), Don Quixote Seated 1972, DON QUIXOT, Don Quixote (The Dreamer) 1979, The Dream, Dream Passage, Dulcinea from Don Quichotte 1957, Dulcinea 1971, Sweetheart aka Dulcinea, from Don Quixote 1974, The Dust of Souls,

E- The Eagle of Grace (Divine Comedy Series), Ecstatic Visions, Ecstatic Visions (Divine Comedy Series), La Eesaltazione Mistica - Mystical Exhaltation, Elephants And Swans, El Cid , ELÉPHAN; El Gran Masturbador, Elijah (from Our Historical Heritage, Ende gut, alles gut spakespeare II,  L'Enfer Canto 5, Elijah - Our Historical Heritage, The Enigma Of Desire, Enigma of the Rose 1976, Enigma Sans, Entrada Triunfal, LES ERINNYES, FROM LA DIVINE COMEDIE EROTIQUE NO. 10, Etude De Couple Assis, Executive, Exploding Madonna, Ecstasy, The Divine Comedy, 1960, The Eye of Time THE EYE OF TIME,

F- La Famille, Fantastic Voyage, Farinata, Faune 1973, Faust Buste 1969, Faust Chevalier a Genou, Faust Femme Au Clown, Faust Femme Au Cochon, Faust Femmes Poules, Faust Sator 1969, Faust Sorcieres Au Balai, Faust Tete De Veau, Faust Vieux Faust, Faun, Man-Head Horns, Faust Grotesque Vignette, FEMME A LA TÊTE DE ROSE ,La Femme-cheval, Female Figure, NU FEMININ (ETUDE), TWO WORKS : LE FREIN HYDRAULIQUE ; LE CRACKING DU PETROLETHE FOUR SEASONS, Figuras oniricas, Figures Lying On The Sand, Figure Rouge Avec Portrait De Quevedo, Fleurs Surrealistes Suite (2 Prints) 1980, Aries, Fleurs Surrealistes (2), Flora Dalinae Chrysanthemum Frutescens (Marguerite), Florals Water Hybiscus 1972, The Flowering of Inspiration (Gala en Fleurs), FOUR DREAMS OF PARADISE, The FRESNEL LENS, FREUD, Furies, 

G- Gad of the tribes of Israel, Galatea Spheres, Galatea of the Spheres, The Garden of Christ, The Garden of Christ, The gelatinous watches of space time, from La conquete du cosmos, 1974, The Guardians of the Valley of the Princes, Giant Flying Mocca Cup, Gianni Schicchi's Bite, Giraffa Che Brucia Giraffe on Fire, Giraffe Woman with Drawers, Goddess Leaning On Her Elbow, The Golden Age (Divine Comedy Series), The Golden Age, Golfer,  Le Grande Place des Vosges, du temps de Louis XIII, 1958 Great Masterpieces Suite (Rembrandt Portrait Du Pientre Par Lui Meme), Great Masterpieces Suite( Velasquez Les Menines)Masterpieces Suite (Vermeer La Lettre Changes), Greed (Divine Comedy Series), Greed, La gran paranoia, Le Gran Pavan 1979, On Greyon's Back, The Guardians of the Valley of the Princes (Divine Comedy Series), The Guiding Angel (Divine Comedy Series),

H- Hagoromo 1975, Hamlet, In the Hands of Antaeus , Head, In the Heaven of Mercury, HÉLÈNE ET LE CHEVAL DE TROIE, HELL: CHANT 9, Horse, HELL: CHANT 32 LES TRAITRES ENVERS LEURS HOTE, FROM LA DIVINE COMEDIE SERIES, Homage to Homer Suite (Return of Ulysses), Homage of Homer Suite - 2 Etchings, Homage of Homer Suite (2 Etchings) 1977, Hommage Leonardo Da Vinci - Automobile -1975, Hommage a Newton, Horseman, L'Hostie 1960, Hyperidological Sky,

I- Illuminated Pleasures, IMAGINATIONS AND OBJECTS OF THE FUTURE, VISIONS OF CHICAGO, Imagination and Objects of the Future, Cybernetic Lobster Telephone, Imaginations & Objects of the Future Spectacle, Imaginations and Objects of the Future Melting Space time 1975, Impossible Dream, Inauguracion teatro Museo Dali, The Infinite Beauty of Beatrice, King Richard from the Ivanhoe Suite, 1977, The Invention Of The Monsters, Invisible Afghan With Apparition, Issachar From the 12 Tribes of Israel 1972, Ivanhoe Rowena 1978, Ivanhoe Suite (Set of 4) 1977,

J- Jacob et les Anges, Jeruselem Windows Joseph et ses Frères, La Joie De Vivre 1971, The Joy of the Blessed, LA JUGMENT DE COMPÈRE PIERRE 1972; Judgment De Paris 1971, Judgment of Paris (four Nudes) 1973, Jugoye 1975, The Joy of the Blessed, Le Jungle Humaine Suite of 6 Lithographs 1977,

K- Katmandu Corridor 1969, Katmandu Corridor 1969, Katmandu Corridor 1969, King David 1975, , KINGDOM OF GALA, King Richard from the Ivanhoe Suite, 1977, King Solomon From Our Historical Heritage, KNOEDLER CHANGES,

L- Labyrinth, Lance of Chivalry St. George, Landscapes With Telephones On A Plane, Last Supper, L'aventure Medicale the Chemist, Les Amoureux Suite of 3 Lithographs 1979, Les Lauriers du Bonheur, Les Lauriers du Bonheur, The Law of the Climbing (Divine Comedy Series), The Law of Climbing, Lawyer 1978, Soft Leda Atomica, Les Amoureux Suite 1979, Lincoln in Dalivision: Silver Edition Lincoln in Dalivision 1977, Lincoln in Dalivison Gold Sculpture 1979, Lincoln in Dalivision Bronze Bas Relief with Platinum Patina 1979, Lincoln in Dalivision 1977, Lincoln in Dalivision 1977,

La Licorne; Liquid Tornado Bath Tub 1975, Lovers, The Loyal Angels, The Lustful (Divine Comedy Series), The Lustful, The Two Crowds of the Lustful,

M- Portrait Of Madame Isabel, The Madonna Of Port Ligat, MADONNA OF PORT LLIGAT, Mad Tea Party, and Rabbit Sends in a Bill, From Alice in Wonderland Portfolio 1969, Mariae Annunciatio (the Annunciation of Mary) 1967, Martian Dali with Double Holoelectric Microscope, Martian Dali Equipped with a Holo-Electronic Double Microscope,the Conquest of the Cosmos , Masque De La Morte, Melted Clock, Melting Clock, Melting Clock Bronze Sculpture 1981, Memories of Surrealism Space Elephant 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, MEMORIES OF SURREALISM 1971, Messager dans un paysage palladien, Metamorphose, Milky Way 1963, Minos, Le Minotaure 1981, The MinotaurMohammed, MOÏSE DE MICHEL ANGE, RADIERUNG MOÏSE 1982, Montre Molle Soft Watch, moses and the monotheism, MUCH ADO ABOUT SHAKESPEARE 1970 (2 Works), Much Ado About Shakespeare Midsummer Night's Dream 1968, Much Ado About Shakespeare Shakespeare Portrait 1968, Much Ado About Shakespeare Romeo & Juliet 1968, Much Ado About Shakespeare As You Like It 1968, LE MUSEE DE GENIE ET DU CAPRICE, Mysteries of the Anus, Mythology Argus (Color) 1963, Mythology Icarus 1963, Mythology Judgment of Paris 1963, Mythology Medusa 1963. Mythology Narcissus 1963, Mythology Saturn 1963, Mythology Theseus and the Minotaur 1963, ,

N- NARCISSE, Le Naissance de Venus from Suite Mythologique Nouvelle, 1971, Nativity Of A New World, The Neglectful (Divine Comedy Series), The Neglectful Meets Violent Death (Divine Comedy Series), News of the Lower Depths of Hell, New York City Statue of Liberty 1964, Normandie French National Railroad, Nostalgia Atomica, Nu a la Guitarre (Serenade) from the Nudes Suite 1970, Nu Aux Violettes (Nude with veils), Nuclear Cross, Nudes Couples Nu 1970, Nudes Nude At Window 1970, Nudes Nude with Raised Arm 1970, A la Plage from the Nudes Suite, 1970,

O- Original Perfection, Our Lady of the Anunciation (Divine Comedy Series), Our Lady of the Annunciation,

P- Palladio's Thalia, Papillons Anciennes, Papillons Anciennes (Tarot) Suite of 4 Lithographs 1976, PAPILLONS DE L'ANTI-MATIERE, Paradise: Chant 26, Dante Relouvre La...,  Le Paradis Terrestre: the Flight of Satan 1974, La Parola Divina - The Divine World, Path to Wisdom The Banker, Paysage Avec Squelette, Paysage Bleu, Pegase 1963, Le Perrone Merveilleux #55 1974, The Persistence of Memory, Le Picador, Pilade aimait Hermione, Pilade Aimait Hermione 1976, Poetry Of America, The Persistence of Memory, The Persistence of Memory Sculpture, The Persistence of Memory Sculpture 2,  Persistence De La Memoire 1974 (Changes in Great Masterpieces), Persistence of Memory, THREE WORKS : PHILOSOPHE ÉCRASÉ PAR LE COSMOS ; LES MONSTRES GELATINES DANS L'ESPACE TEMPS ; LE CERF MALADE, The Persistence of Memory Sculpture 3, Personajes 1973, Personajes, Tauramachies Surrealiste the Piano in the Snow 1970, Piccardi Donati, The Pieces Of Bread, Playing Cards Ace of Clubs 1972, Playing Cards Jack of Diamonds 1972, Poems Secrets Nude, Horse and Death 1967, Poems Secrets Nude with Snail 1967, Retrospective Agony of Love 1978, Poems Secrets the Drawers 1967, Portrait of Jules Vern 1966, Portrait Of Picasso, Portrait of Picasso 1970, Portrait of Picasso, The Powers of Soul (Divine Comedy Series), The Power of Souls, Le Printemps, from: Daphnis et Chloé, PROJECT OF MONUMENT TO PICASSO, Prodigality (Divine Comedy Series), Profil d'Homme avec une Étoile, The Proud One (Divine Comedy Series), The Proud One, Prodigality, The Prophecy of Vanni Fucci, The Punishment of Vanni Fucci, Puzzle of Life From Vitraux in Four Sheets 1974,

Q- Quai des Celestins, La Quete Du Graal Le Tombe De Lancelot 1975,

R- The Railway Station At Perpignan, Raphaelesque Head Exploding, Reassurance, The Red Orchestra, The Reign of the Penitents (Divine Comedy Series), The Reign of the Penitents, Rejuvenation of Time, Rembrandt Portrait Du Pientre Par Lui Meme (Great Masterpieces Suite), Renaissance (Ten of Coins) 1977, Le Repos Du Guerrier 1969, Resurrection, Retrospective, Return, O Shulamite, from the Song of Songs, RETURN O SHULAMITE & THE KISS, Return of Ulysses 1977, Return of Ulysses (From the Homage to Homer Suite), RÉVERENCE DU GROSEILLIER, RHINOCEROS, Rhinocéros Cosmique 1956, Rhinoceros a La Dentelle 1956, The Rocket 1975, The Rocket, ROCAS SOBRE EL MAR, Rocks, Le Roi Marc from Tristan et Iseult, Roi Je T'attends a Babylone Des Rois Pendus Aux Arbes... 1973, The Rotting Donkey, Ruin With Head Of Medusa,

S- St. Bernard's Prayer to the Virgin, Lance of Chivalry St. George, St. George and the dragon, St George and the Dragon, St. John Saint John of the Cross, St. John On The Cross, St John on the Cross, San Narciso de las Moscas, St. Peter and Dante, Santiago El Grande 1957, Sea Bed, The Seasons, Summer 1972, The Seasons, Winter 1972, The Seasons, Fall 1972, The Second Cornice (Divine Comedy Series), The Second Cornice, The Seducers, Self Portrait With Fried Bacon, Shades Of Night Descending, Shakespeare II Henry VIII 1971, Shakespeare II the Merry Wives of Windsor 1971, Shakespeare II Timon of Athens 1971, A SHATTERING ENTRANCE TO THE USA, Ship and Flowers, Ship and Fruit, Shirley Temple the Youngest, Most Sacred Monster of the Cinema in Her Time 1939, Signs of the Zodiac, Silhouette En Vert, The Simoniacs, The Simoniac, The Siren of Dream (Divine Comedy Series), The Siren of the Dream, Siren on a dolphin from New Mythological Suite, SIREN ON A DOLPHIN,  SIREN ON A DOLPHIN, Skull Of Zurbaran, The Slothful (Divine Comedy Series), The Slothful, The Smoke of Irascibility (Divine Comedy Series), The Smoke of Irascibility, The Sodomites, The Sodomites, 5 WORKS: THE SODOMITES; THE NEGLECTFUL MEET VIOLENT DEATH; THE DIVINE COMEDY; THE TREE OF PUNISHMENT; BIBIA SACRA, Soft Self Portrait, Song of Songs of King Solomon, Song of Songs 1973, The Song of the Wise Spirits, SPACE ELEPHANT, Spain Spinning Man, Spinning Man, Sports 1979, The Stag Reflected in the water, Statue of Liberty 1964New York City Statue of Liberty 1964, Stillness of Time 1976, Study for Sentimental Colloquy, Suburbs Of A Paranoiac, Surrealism Flung Out Like A Fag End By Big Wigs 1974, Surrealist Angel, Surrealist Angel, Surrealist Angel, Sweetheart aka Dulcinea, from Don Quixote 1974, THE SYMMETRY OF CHRIST,

T- Tauromachie Individuelle, Tauramachies Surrealiste the Piano in the Snow 1970, La Television, Temple et Histoire de Bacchus, from:... Terpsichore, Terpsichore, , Tête raphaëlesque éclatée, Toreador Song from the Carmen Suite, The Avaricious and the Prodigal,  Set Of The Ballet (Tristan), The Ascent to Venus, The Dream, Traces of War, The Great Paranoiac, Thin Man, Three Young Surrealist WomenTime Desert Bracelet, Thin Man,The Traitor of Montaperti, The Neglectful Meets Violent Death, The Transparent Simulacrum, Transcendent, Towards the Tree of Law (Divine Comedy Series), Towards the Tree of Law, Three Graces 1966, The Tree of Punishment (Divine Comedy Series), The Tree of Punishment, Gad of the tribes of Israel, The tribe of Gad of  Israel, Tristan Et Iseult Brother Ogrin, the Hermit 1970, , From Tristan and Isolde, Tristan, Set Of, Tritón alado, Tristan Et Iseult Frocin, the Bad Dwarf 1970, Tristan Et Iseult Frontispiece, Tristan Et Iseult the Cavaliers of King Arthur 1970, Tristan Et Iseult Iseult and Branguine, Tristan Et Iseult Iseult of the White Hands, Tristan Et Iseult King Marc, Tristan Et Iseult Mad Tristan, Tristan Et Iseult Mad Tristan, Tristan Et Iseult the Arrival of Iseult, Tristan Et Iseult the Giant Beliagog, Tristan Et Iseult Queen Iseult and Her Daughter, Tristan Et Iseult the Queen with Silk Tunic, Tristan Et Iseult the Three Bad Barons 1970, Tristan Et Iseult Tristan and the Dragon, Tristan Et Iseult Tristan's Last Fight, Tristan Et Iseult Tristan's Testament, Tristan Et Iseult Tristan Wounded, The Two Circles of Spirits, Twelve Apostles Andrew, Twelve Apostles Christ 1972, Twelve Apostles James the Greater 1972, Twelve Apostles John 1972, Twelve Apostles Jude 1972, Twelve Apostles: Mark 1972, Twelve Apostles Matthew 1972, Twelve Apostles Philip 1972, Twelve Apostles Thomas 1972, Twelve Apostles Suite 1972, 12 Apostles (Knights of the Roundtable), TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, 12 Tribes of Israel Suite, Levi 1972, 12 Tribes of Israel Suite, Reuben 1972, Twelve Tribes Israel Simon 1972, Twelve Tribes Israel Frontispiece 1972  FRONTISPIECE, Twelve Tribes of Israel Frontispiece, Thirteen works: The Twelve Tribes of... 13 WORKS: THE TWELVE TRIBES OF ISRAEL, Issachar From the 12 Tribes of Israel 1972, Twelve Tribes of Israel Simon 1972, TRANS WORLD ART, FRIBOURG, SWITZERLAND, The Two Crowds of Lustful (Divine Comedy Series),

U- UNTITLED - Seated Angel 1950, Untitled (Christopher Columbus), Unknown Female Torso, Unknown Torso, Unicorn, Untitled Bronze, Untitled-Pregnant, Untitled, Untitled, UNTITLED 1974, Untitled Drawing,

V- Velasquez Les Menines (Changes in Great Masterpieces Suite), Vanite (From Magician's Suite) 1968, VELÁZQUEZ: LAS MENINAS, VENUS, Grande Vénus De Milo Aux Tiroirs 1964, La Venus Aux Fourrures: Kneeling Woman 1968, La Venus Aux Fourrures Complete Suite 1968, La Venus Aux Fourrures Lady Leaf 1968, La Venus Aux Fourrures Vanite Vignette 1968, La Venus Aux Fourrures the Winged Demon 1968, Venus on a Shell, Venus on a ShellVermeer La Lettre Changes (From the Great Masterpieces Suite), The Visceral Circle of the Cosmos, from the Conquest of the Cosmos, La vida es un sueño, Virgil's Admonishment (Divine Comedy Series), Virgil's Last Words (Divine Comedy Series), Virgil's Last Words, The Virgin Of Guadalupe,  Visions De Quevedo Figure Rouge Avec Portrait De Quevedo 1975, The Vision of the Angel of Cap Creus,..., Vision Of Eternity, Visions Surrealiste Obsession of the Heart 1976, Vitraux L' Esaltazione Mistica 1974, Vitraux in Four Sheets Puzzle of Life 1974, Vitraux in Four Sheets, Puzzle of Life 1974, Puzzle of Life From Vitraux in Four Sheets 1974, Untitled, From Suite "Les Vitraux",

W- Warning Of Furniture - Nutrition, Wailing Wall, Wealth, Health, Fame and Love 1978, Winged Bust, Winged Swan for Bacchanale Ballet, Woman By The Cliffs, Woman With Drawers, The Wood and the Suicide,



Z- Signs of the Zodiac,







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